速報APP / 藝術與設計 / Guy Rose Artworks Stickers

Guy Rose Artworks Stickers


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版本需求:需要 iOS 10.3 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Guy Rose Artworks Stickers(圖1)-速報App

More than 90 stickers of Guy Rose Artworks Stickers! Add them to your iMessages and use this masterspieces to customize your messages. Impress your friends with your knowledge !

- Chrysanthemums

- Spring Harvest (also known as Still Life with Asparagus)

- Still Life Jug with Fruit

- Plums, Waterglass and Peaches

- La Mere Pichaud

- Giverny Hillside

- Giverny Willows

- The Cabbage Patch

- The End of the Day

- The Potato Gatherers

- The Gondolier, Venice

- July Afternoon

- Portrait of an Algerian

- November Twilight

- By the Fireside

- Fig Trees, Antibes

- Laguna Coast

- Late Afternoon Giverny

- November

- Poppy Field

- Bluff at Pourville

- Five O'Clock

- From the Dining Room Window

- On the River's Edge

- The Difficult Reply

- The Old Bridge, France

- River Epte, Giverny

- Warm Afternoon

- The Distant Town

- The Large Rock

- The Valley of the Seine

- River Epte, Giverny

- The Blue Kimono

- The Cathedral

- The Green Mirror

- The Green Parasol

- Indian Tobacco Trees, La Jolla

- Laguna Rocks, Low Tide

- Laguna Shores

- The Oak

- Incoming Tide

- Laguna Eucalyptus

- 17 Mile Drive

- Point Lobos, Oak Tree

- Marguerite

- The Sycamores, Pasadena

- Mist Over Point Lobos

- A Carmel Pine

- Carmel Coast

- Carmel Shore

- Carmel Shore

- In the Oak Grove

- Monterey Forest

- Oak Grove, Carmel

- Point Lobos Trees

- Vista from Point Lobos

- Carmel Hills

- Early Morning - Summertime

- A Grey Day Carmel

- Arroyo Seco

- August Noon

- Blossoms and Wallflowers

Guy Rose Artworks Stickers(圖2)-速報App

- Carmel Beach

- Carmel Dunes

- Carmel Seascape

- Coastline

- Country Landscape

- French Farm

- Gathering Storm, High Seas

- Girl in a Wickford Garden, New England

- Grey Afternoon

- In the Sierra

- July Afternoon

- La Jolla Beach

- La Jolla Caves

- La Jolla Cove

- Laguna

- Laguna Beach

- Lifting Fog, Carmel

- Lifting Fog, Laguna

- Low Tide Honfleur

- Mission Point

- Misty Dunes, Carmel

- Monterey Cypress

- Notre Dame de Grace, Honfleur

- Notre Dame de Grasse at Honfleur

- October Morning

- Off Mission Point (aka Point Lobos)

- Palms

- Path along the Shore

- Point Lobos

- Provincial Olive Grove

- Study for 'The Cathedral Tours'

- San Gabriel Road

- Spring

- Sunset Glow (aka Sunset in the High Sierras)

- Carmel Dunes

- In the Studio

- Jade Beads

- La Jolla Arbor

- Laguna

- Marion

- Miss C.

- Morning Mist

- Morning Mist (also known as Late Spring)

- My Sister Maud

- Out to Sea

- Rocks Point Reamer

- San Gabriel Mission

- Spring on the Riviera

- Standing Nude

- The Blue House

- The Blue Pool near Mt. Whitney

- The Bridge at Vernon

- The Lavalier

- The Model

- View in the San Gabriel Mountains

- Tamarisk Trees in Early Sunlight

- The Blue House

- The Old Church at Cagnes

- The Saine Valley, Giverny

- The Sea View of Cliffs

- Twin Lakes, High Sierra

- View of Wood's Cove

- Windswept Trees, Laguna

Guy Rose Artworks Stickers(圖3)-速報App

- Winter

Guy Rose Artworks Stickers(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad